Client: Google | Category: Digital innovation
The yearly Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona gathers 60,000 of the world’s most powerful players in mobile development. Google weren’t sponsors, but wanted to impress the C-level executives who have ‘seen it all’ – owning the congress as the most influential brand.
Huge trade fairs induce real FOMO. Which are the best stands and lectures? Who should you meet? Where are the mustn’t-miss parties? We let Google answer these pressing questions, so you could avoid sitting alone in your hotel room, not knowing where to go.
We created a fair-specific app, the Heat MWC, to help delegates track down the hottest spots at the event and around town. Real-time heat maps showed which venues, keynotes, stands, bars and parties were attracting the most crowds. Smart filters let delegates shape their own maps, focusing on delegates from certain countries, for example. And when meeting someone interesting, delegates could share contact details in an instant simply by bumping their mobile phones.
Over 10,000 people – 20% of all delegates – downloaded the app, with an average use exceeding 30 hours over the four-day fair. Usage peaked in the evenings when delegates were hunting for the best bars with the most important people.
Jung von Matt were the first external partners to create a Google-branded app platform. The technique has since been rolled out at other major events, including festivals in Cannes.