Client: Världskulturmuseerna (The National Museums of World Culture) | Category: Opening campaign
How do you spark curiosity in a 1,400-year-old culture from the other side of the world? That was a big challenge for Världskulturmuseerna’s new exhibition about the Tang Dynasty and the Silk Road.
Interest starts with relevance. So we set about comparing behaviours, mindsets and events from 7th century China to modern-day Sweden: Migration. Women rulers. Mixed religions. Using the debates of our day (and a lot of very carefully placed media, triggered in real-time by editorial headlines and current topics) we brought the multiculturalism of the Tang Dynasty firmly into today’s world.
The opening campaign didn’t only attract news media and new visitors to the Silk Road Exhibition. We even grew Världskulturmuseerna’s social media audience by 64% and generated an 11% uplift in website traffic.