Client: SodaStream | Category: Relaunch campaign
Sales of 80s favourite SodaStream had plummeted in Sweden. Instead, bottled water was booming. But the brand’s newly launched promise – an end to carrying heavy water bottles back from the shops – hadn’t connected with the Swedish audience.
Key emotional driver
We realised that the existing brand promise was actually destructive: serving SodaStream to your guests might be interpreted as if they were not worth your effort of carrying home fancy bottled water for them. So we had to reconsider – and turned shame into pride by exposing the environmental damage caused by the bottled water industry. To refrain from bottled water and instead serve SodaStream became taking a stand for the environment.
This extremely PR-able angle achieved huge media coverage, transforming SodaStream into a modern-day environmental champion. With over 750,000 units sold in just six months, SodaStream reclaimed category leader position and achieved the coveted ‘Gift of the Year’ status that Christmas.